Finance Homework 320/350
Question Description
BUDGET $15-$20
"Macroeconomics and Industry Analysis" Please respond to the following:
From the e-Activity, examine each industry’s price-earnings ratio and dividend yield. Determine whether or not the differences make sense in light of their different stages in the industry life cycle. Support your position.
eActivity - Go to Yahoo! Finance’s Website and review the price/book ratios for Medical Instruments and Supplies ( and for Electric Utilities ( Be prepared to discuss.
Choose an industry in which you are interested, and predict its performance within the next three years. Provide support for your prediction.
"Equity Valuation" Please respond to the following:
Justify the circumstances which are best suited for the dividend discount model versus the free cashflow model to value a firm. Provide an example of each.
Create an argument for using the multistage dividend discount model for equity valuation. Provide support for your argument.
"Stock Valuation and Risk" Please respond to the following:
From the first e-Activity, identify your chosen stock and then decide if it is fairly valued. Share how you reached your conclusion.
First EActivity Week 6 e-Activities
Research the Internet to find a stock of your choice to determine if the stock is fairly valued. Be prepared to discuss.
Take a position on the following: The media and / or government officials influence an investor’s risk tolerance. Provide an example or evidence to support your position.
"Financial Futures Markets" Please respond to the following:
Identify the most important risk in investing in the financial futures market. Recommend one strategy to manage the risk.
From the second e-Activity, identify a client (or type of client) who would benefit from purchasing a futures market for a specific commodity. Support your response with evidence or an example.
Second EActivity Research the Internet for activity on a specific commodity futures market covering a 12-month time period. Be prepared to discuss.
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