i need help with my speech class

timer Asked: Aug 7th, 2015

Question Description

Team Persuasive Proposal

Team Proposal: Following the letter proposal format on pgs. 403-406, your team will write a  5 page letter proposal. This means at least 5 full pages.

You must make a company letter head and use a graphic and include company name, address, city, state, phone, fax, email, and web address.

Your team can come up with any business related topic you desire, or chose 441 # 13-31 OR pg -442 # 13-32.

All proposals must follow the written proposal in your text including headers and position of header on page. Business font is 12pt. Times, with 1" margins, pages numbered and full pages. You can make up numbers for the cost and time frame if necessary. The cost needs to be in table format. And all pages must be to the end of the page. 20%

Don't forget to follow the correct proposal format:

Problem Section: - sample proposal on pgs. 403-406

1. Introduction that grabs attention - summarizes problem

2. Background that explains your solution and the time line

Solution Section - give complete details of solution, how job will be done, who will do what, required equipment and personnel; cost, and why your company is qualified to do the job.

3. Proposed approach and work plan

4. Qualifications of your company

5. Cost in table format - no more than 1 page in proposal. Also make sure you show the profit to be made  by the party you are writing the proposal to.

Conclusion - tells the benefits the reader will receive from your solution and urges audience to take action

6. Authorization - see sample in text



When presenting your proposal, each team member can take one aspect of the proposal and present it to the class. While your team member is speaking, pay attention. This means no reading, sleeping or rummaging through your notes. For a team of three speakers, each speaker should speak 3 1/2-4 minutes before you take questions from the audience. Total team presentation is 7 1/2 - 10 minutes for a team of two and 12-16 minutes for a team of three.  Please remember this: each speaker should speak about 3 1/2 minutes. You are responsible for making sure you have equal speaking time. If you do not, your grade will be severely jeopardized as I cannot give you a good grade if you do not speak much. Speaking little shows me you are not prepared and do not know the topic.

Each team member will prepare two power point slides for their presentation. Team will be graded individually and as a team. Each team member will receive the same grade on the written proposal and an individual grade on the presentation and their power point slides.

What do I put on my slides? You take sections of the proposal and bullet point the main points of that section. Also, tables, graphs can be used. The idea is to put the put main ideas on slides that you want your audience to remember. Keep them simple - do not clutter them with text and pictures 

it has to be business related  

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