number guess game 3 classes

timer Asked: Aug 9th, 2015

Question Description

Make guessing game java application with using 3 different classes.  ,   ,

Here are UML diagram for what each class suppose to do




Here are system requirement.

+.The system shall provide a means for the user to start the game.
+.The system shall provide a means for the user to quit the game.
+.The system shall be able to display the guessable range (1 – 1023)
+.The system shall provide a means for User to inform the device that he/she has selected a number between 1 and 1,023.
+.The system shall be able to find the number in 10 guesses or less
+.The system shall be able to compute a guess.
+.The system shall be able to display the computed guess.
+.The system shall be able to keep track of the guess iteration.
+.The system shall be able to display the guess iteration.
+.The system shall provide a means for the user to provide feedback on the guess:
+ ·The guess is correct.
+ ·The guess is too high
+ ·The guess is too low.
+.The system shall end the game dependent upon User input (The guess is correct) OR if the max number of guesses is exceeded.
+.The system shall make a subsquent guess dependent upon User input (The guess is not correct).
+.The system shall have a way to quit the application or play again once the game has ended.
+.A means for the user to set the upper bound
+.The system shall be able to find the number in maxNumOfGuesses guesses or less, based on the binomial theorem to log base 2 to determine number of guesses, round up to whole number if log is a decimal

all requirement must be met. Incomplete or wrong work or things that won't compile will not be accepted.

when the guess game starts, it will give user 2 options. 1st one is to start the game normal with # between 1 to 1023 with 10 guess limit, 2nd one will be the one without upper bound or guess limit.

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