Quiz - 30 minutes - Operations Management

timer Asked: Aug 16th, 2015

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The local distributor for Macho Heavy Beer is reconsidering its inventory policy now that only kegs will be sold. The sales forecast for next year is 1,500 kegs. The cost to store a keg of Macho in a refrigerated warehouse is approximately $4 per year. Placing an order with the factory costs about $6. If orders are placed in pallets of 60 kegs, the brewery is willing to give the local distributor a discount on the wholesale price of each keg. Macho beer must determine the exact discount amount before deciding whether or not to take the discount. • • True False The Anderson Palmer Hospital would like to reduce the cost of its inventory by calculating the optimal order size for hypodermic needles. On average, the hospital uses 200 needles per month. The purchasing staff has calculated that the EOQ for needles is 160 needles. If they proceed to purchase in EOQ quantities, how many orders per year will be placed? About 15 orders per year About 18 orders per year About 20 orders per year About 30 orders per year The Anderson Palmer Hospital would like to reduce the cost of its inventory by calculating the optimal order size for hypodermic needles. On average, the hospital uses 100 needles per month, the cost of placing an order is $15, and holding cost is estimated to be $1.20 per needle per year. Using the EOQ formula, the optimal order size is ______ About 50 needles About 80 needles About 130 needles About 170 needles The Anderson Palmer Hospital would like to reduce the cost of its inventory by calculating the optimal order size for hypodermic needles. On average, the hospital uses 200 needles per month. The purchasing staff has calculated that the EOQ for needles is 160 needles. If they proceed to purchase in EOQ quantities, how many orders per year will be placed? About 15 orders per year About 18 orders per year About 20 orders per year About 30 orders per year The local distributor for Macho Heavy Beer is reconsidering its inventory policy now that only kegs will be sold. The sales forecast for next year is 800 kegs. The cost to store a keg of Macho in a refrigerated warehouse is approximately $4 per year. Placing an order with the factory costs about $6. Recommend an EOQ for Macho Heavy Beer. About 50 kegs About 40 kegs About 30 kegs About 20 kegs
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