Hey Could You Check This And Tell Me If Its Good For A Summer Journal Entry To 8th Grade:​

timer Asked: Aug 18th, 2015

Question Description

Skinny by Donna Cooner tells a story about Ever Davies, an obese 15 year old girl who weighs 300 pounds. Despite her weight difference, Ever is a normal teenager who wants to do normal things, but her weight and Skinny stop her from doing what she wants to do. Skinny is her cruel counterpart, a voice in Ever’s head that speaks out nasty concepts others think of her. After being taunted by Skinny and her school mates Ever decides on getting Gastric Bypass Surgery, a critical operation that reduces the size of the stomach so she can only eat a couple tablespoons of food. I predict even after Ever gets surgery all her problems won't go away.

 In the very first chapter Ever introduced Jackson Barnett, a friend from the past that Ever still has a crush on. Nonetheless, he moved on, “As I covered myself in grief  and fat over the years, his memory of me as his best friend trickled away until now I am completely unrecognizable." (cooner,5) says Ever.  I assume even if Ever gets the surgery and loses weight, Jackson might not pay attention to her. I believe if Jackson doesn’t notice Ever now,even though Ever is the exact same person despite the additional weight, that he wouldn’t notice Ever when she's thinner. If Jackson truly cared about Ever they would still be close friends now. Also, in chapter two, Ever catches Jackson staring at Gigi, a girl in her Math class. Ever knows that Jackson likes Gigi, and even though she hopes after the surgery Jackson will like her,I don't think that will happen. Even if Ever gets skinnier, Jackson still might not like her because he likes Gigi.

 Another major problem is Skinny, the hurtful subconscious in Ever she thinks will fade after the surgery. Skinny whispers things like, “ You’re like the big marshmallow monster… Soft. Gooey.Horrifying” (cooner,5)  or “ How can anyone possibly eat all that. And you wonder why your huge?” (cooner,24). I believeThe surgery won’t cause Skinny to leave, but if  Ever listens to the real world instead of Skinny’s mean talk, Ever will realize Skinny can be destroyed.

 Gastric Bypass Surgery will definitely be a plus for Ever in many ways, now she can be more free in her body and won’t be huge social outcast ,but for some of the problems she is looking forward to solve, surgery or becoming skinnier might not be the answer. Even though Ever is anticipating this huge, amazing,dramatic change the minute she comes out of surgery, not all of her problems will go away just because she’s skinnier.  

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