Need help with some of my homework question

timer Asked: May 10th, 2013

Question Description

Week Five Discussion Questions

1.  How do test taking strategies vary between disciplines? For example, how might you alter your strategy for an American Literature exam versus a geometry exam? Provide specific examples. You may choose different disciplines, as desired.

2.  How does learning style relate to note-taking strategy? Explain (200 words in length).

3.  Choose technical term from your work, a hobby, or some other area of your expertise. For example, if you were a poet you might choose the term sonnet of villanelle. Using the ABC Format, write an expanded definition of that technical term for a general audience. (200 words in length)

4.  Not everyone is familiar with the trend of online education. Imagine that you have been asked to write an expanded definition of online learning for a local newspaper. Using the ABC Format, write an expanded definition for that technical term for a general audience. (200 words in length).

5.  American Made Automobiles is offering a contest to design the car of the future. Submit a description of your dream can for chance to join the design team. Create an extended description. (200 words in length).

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