I have to write 1 page of analysis of alogrithms with supporting graph

Question Description
Part I
Suppose you have the following array of data: {4, 5, 7, 11, 20, 24, 31, 35, 40, 45, 50}.
- Explain how you precede a sequential search of an array.
- Apply your method of search to the given array to locate the element of number 11.
- Clearly indicate whether or not the element was found and its index (location) within the array.
- Apply your method of search to the given array to locate the element of number 13.
- Clearly indicate whether or not the element was found and its index (location) within the array.
- What is the best-case runtime and the worst-case runtime of an array of size n?
Part II
Suppose you have the following array of data: {4, 5, 7, 11, 20, 24, 31, 35, 40, 45, 50}.
- Explain how you precede a binary search of an array.
- Apply your method of search to the given array to locate the element of number 11.
- Clearly indicate whether or not the element was found and its index (location) within the array.
- Apply your method of search to the given array to locate the element of number 13.
- Clearly indicate whether or not the element was found and its index (location) within the array.
- What is the worst-case runtime of an array of size n?

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