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Solution: First find Ri= 3 + 1 R = 5002 + 20002 - (2)(500)(2000) cos 135º = 2380 lb making an angle of 2000 sin 135 45° + sin 81.5° 2380 counterclockwise from the vertical). Next find Rg = R1 + F, which is drawn in the top figure. Applying the law of cosines to the figure yields R2 = (2000)2 + (2380)2 – 2(2380) (2000) cos(21.5") = 898.2 lb which makes an angle of sin 21.5° 43.8° 8982 counterclockwise for ... Last, R=R2+1, which is drawn in the bottom figure. Apply the law of cosines to get R- (1000)2 + (898. 2)2 – 2(1000) (898.2) cos 136.2° 1761 lb which makes an angle of 1000 sin 136.2 43.8° - a = 43.8 - sin 20.5° 1761 lb counterclockwise from the I axis. 0 = 180° – 81.5º – sin - (2000) V
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