Case Studies to Complete

timer Asked: Aug 31st, 2015

Question Description

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Case Study 1

Read the Assurance of Learning Exercise 8A and 8B on page 282 of the textbook. Prepare a product positioning map, and perform the EPS/EBIT calculations given in 8B. Discuss, in a two-page APA formatted paper, how the product positioning is aligned with McDonald’s corporate strategy. Identify potential gaps in the product line or weaknesses in positioning. Describe the relevance of the EPS/EBIT chart and why it is significant with respect to strategy implementation.

Case Study 2

Follow the instructions for the Assurance of Learning Exercise 9A on page 306 of the textbook. Create a minimum two-page APA formatted paper evaluating McDonald’s strategy. Choose at least one of McDonald’s competitors and discuss its position relative to McDonald’s. Comment on McDonald’s prospects of success against this competitor.

Case Study 3

Complete the Assurance of Learning Exercise 10A on page 326 of the textbook. You will be asked to analyze and to compare and contrast the code of ethics of both Starbuck’s and McDonald’s. Summarize your analysis and findings in a two-page APA formatted paper. The links shown in the textbook are no longer active; however, these documents can still be located by using your favorite search engine to search for “Standards of Business Conduct for Starbucks” and “Standards of Business Conduct for McDonald’s.”


Please make sure to upload each assignment separately. Also, all assignments must be 100% plagiarism free. Also, please remember to include all references in APA format.

Course Textbook:

David, F. R. (2011). Strategic management: Concepts and cases (13th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.

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