HCMG 730 discussion week 1

timer Asked: Sep 3rd, 2015

Question Description

HCMG 730 discussion week 1

You are the facility counsel at Pierce General Hospital. You have been contacted by an attorney whose client is a former inpatient whose hospitalization at Pierce General resulted in harm.  The ‘harm’ was documented in an incident report prepared by hospital staff. Your review of the incident report indicates that the ‘harm’ described by the patient’s attorney is consistent with the ‘harm’ described in the incident report. Based on your conversations with the patient’s attorney, you believe a lawsuit is imminent. Because you believe it is in the best interest of all concerned to avoid the cost of litigation, you want to consider alternative methods of dispute resolution.  Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each of the 3 methods. Which one would you select for this case and why?You are required to have at least 3 academic references, cited in-text and referenced in proper APA format. Initial discussion responses must be a minimum of 500 words or more. Two peer responses are required, each must be 250 - 300 words or more in length and include at least 1 reference. Important - you will not be able to see your peers posts until you post your own. 

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