Early Childhood Education

timer Asked: Sep 3rd, 2015

Question Description

  • Describe which of the dispositions from your target you already exhibit on a regular basis. Also, discuss which dispositions are still emerging for you.

  • Based on the discussion of career options in Chapter 10, identify at least two possible careers that interest you and that are a “good fit” based on your personal disposition reflection, as well as the qualifications you already possess. Explain why you would be a good fit for both of your chosen careers.

  • Identify your long-term goals. Where would you like to be professionally, one to five years from now?

  • Reflect on the following:

    • What new skills, dispositions, knowledge, certifications, or trainings might you need to be successful? Identify the additional action steps you will need to take to be even more qualified for the position you would like to pursue. Be sure to set reasonable deadlines for these action steps.

    • Are there any professional obstacles you may need to overcome to be successful? Are there individuals in your professional network who can help you?  

  • User generated content is uploaded by users for the purposes of learning and should be used following Studypool's honor code & terms of service.

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