Homework Assignment Power Point

timer Asked: Sep 7th, 2015

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Professional Selling and Sales Promotion You will prepare an audiovisual sales presentation that is supported by creative sales promotions as you assume the role of the new marketing associate for U Drive Transport. Scenario The car sharing business has grown in popularity throughout the world in densely populated major city centers. Over the past few years, U Drive Transport company has dominated the United States marketplace as a premier car sharing business. You have recently accepted a job with U Drive Transport as a marketing associate to help the company expand into the global marketing environment. To familiarize yourself with the car sharing business, visit the websites of competitors of U Drive Transport: ● Research “car sharing” on the Internet and research two competitors in this industry. As the new marketing associate for U Drive Transport, you have been tasked with preparing a prerecorded presentation to train new account managers and sales representatives on the features and benefits of the U Drive Transport product offering. Additionally, you must provide training on the seven steps (slides #4–10) of the personal selling process located in your text (Chapter 17) and in the steps below. Follow the directions for executing this Assignment. ➢ Make sure you either have a built-in microphone in your computer or a headset with working microphone in order to able to complete this audio visual presentation Assignment. Directions for Executing this Assignment: ● Watch the Video on U Drive Transport: Click Here ● Choose whichever software program you prefer to create your audio visual presentation. You may use PowerPoint with audio if you so choose. Prepare a 10 slide sales training presentation using Microsoft PowerPoint, providing perspectives on the following topics to train new account managers and sales representatives: ○ Slide 1: Overview of the U Drive Transport brand ○ Slide 2: Three features and benefits of the U Drive Transport product offering ○ Slide 3: Introduction to the U Drive Transport Personal Selling Approach (Decide on Traditional or Relationship Selling and explain) ○ Slide 4: Step 1 in the personal selling process: Generating Leads ○ Slide 5: Step 2 in the personal selling process: Qualifying Leads ○ Slide 6: Step 3 in the personal selling process: Approaching the Customer and Probing Needs ○ Slide 7: Step 4 in the personal selling process: Developing and Proposing Solutions ○ Slide 8: Step 5 in the personal selling process: Handling Objections ○ Slide 9: Step 6 in the personal selling process: Closing the Sale ○ Slide 10: Step 7 in the personal selling process: Following Up If using PowerPoint add your audio explanation. You can access simple instructions
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