Comparing and contrasting

User Generated




Compare and contrast the following: 

Right optic tract / right optic nerve 

Rods / cones 

Sclera / cornea 

Conduction deafness / sensineural deafness 

Diabetes insipidis / diabetes mellitus

Adrenal cortex / adrenal medulla

Anterior pituitary / posterior pituitary

Alpha cells / beta cells (both are in the pancreas) 

Short term stress response / long term stress response

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Explanation & Answer

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Alpha cells secrete glucagon hormone while beta cells secrete insulin hormone.

Adrenal cortex secrete mineralocorticoids and glucocorticoids while adrenal medulla secrete noredrenalin and adrenalin hormones.

Anterior pituitary glands secrete secrete about 6 hormones; acth,LH, prolactin hormone, TSH, FSH, and pesterior pituitary secrete; oxytocin and ADH.

Diabetes insipidus is due inadequate ADH hormone resulting in excessive urine output while Diabetes mellitus is inadequate insulin hormone resulting in high serum sugar.

Short term stress response is the mechanisms that are able to counter stress within a limited time like the defence mechanisms, while long term stress response are mechanisms that tries to counter stress in a long term.

Rods are responsible for night vision while cons are responsible for color vision.

Sclera; tough fibrous membrane and is white in color while sclera is the colorless transparent membrane infront of the eye.

Right optic tract carries right optic nerve

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