INF 322: Database Management Systems

timer Asked: Sep 14th, 2015

Question Description

Need assistance getting started with the assignment below. I am familiar with Access 2003; however, not an expert but this assignment is using Access 2013 and I am very confused. 

Part 1:

  1. Please download, unzip, and open this zip file of the Microsoft Access Customer Service Database. 
  2. Save your database.
  3. You should now be able to use Microsoft Access and the database created to complete the assignment.

Part 2:

  1. Add 10 customers to the database using the Customers table. Show the table, including the SQL Code.
  2. Using SQL query, update more than one element in a customer record. Show before and after data, including the SQL code.
  3. Add an 11th customer, and then delete them with a SQL query. Show before and after data, including the SQL Code.
  4. Create a report displaying the customer records using multiple tables. Identify the primary keys in the tables you are reporting on, and show the results of your report.
  5. Screenshot your results into a Microsoft Word document to submit to your instructor using your First and Last name as the file name.

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