Need help with a statistics assignment

timer Asked: Sep 23rd, 2015

Question Description

Assignment 2: Conducting a z-Test

A researcher predicts that watching a film on institutionalization will change students’ attitudes about chronically mentally ill patients. The researcher randomly selects a class of 36 students, shows them the film, and gives them a questionnaire about their attitudes. The mean score on the questionnaire for these 36 students is 70. The score for people in general on this questionnaire is 75, with a standard deviation of 12. Using the five steps of hypothesis testing and the 5% significance level (i.e. alpha = .05), does showing the film change students’ attitudes towards the chronically mentally ill?

What does it mean to set alpha at .05?

What is your null hypothesis? Alternate hypothesis?

Is this a one-tailed or two-tailed hypothesis?

What is the critical z?

Calculate the obtained z. Do you reject or fail to reject the null hypothesis?

State in words what you have found.

By Monday, September 28, 2015, deliver your assignment to the M2: Assignment 2 Dropbox.

Assignment 2 Grading Criteria

Maximum Points

Explained what it means to set alpha at .05.


Correctly identified the null and alternative hypotheses.


Correctly identified and explained whether theirs is a one-tailed or two-tailed hypothesis.


Correctly identified the critical z.


Used obtained z and explained whether one would reject or fail to reject the null hypothesis, and state in words what the findings were.


Wrote in a clear, concise, and organized manner; demonstrated ethical scholarship in accurate representation and attribution of sources; displayed accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation.




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