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timer Asked: May 8th, 2022

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Note: Answer all questions (Choose 5) Q1/-A-Read the following passage carefully and answer the sentence Ali was a clever student. He always comes to school later because he wakes up late. One day he arrived at school at eight thirty and found the headmaster standing in front of the door of the school.Ali decided hide himself but the headmaster saw him and called him Ali began to find excuses. The headmaster making him clean three of the classes.Ali decided not to be late and he came early in the next day 1-Why does Ali come to school late? 2-Ali was -student (stupid/clever) 3-One day Ali arrived at seven thirty. (True/false) 4-Who was standing in the front of the school? 5-Ali began to find 6-Ali decided came early in the next week. (True/false) Q1/-B-Answer the following questions from your text book: 1-The Panther 3.OD has warranty for- -years. 2-What are the standard features in the Panther 3.OD ? مله على عبد البا سند 3-The Panther 3.OD is really dangerous car. 4-How many seats are there in the Panther 3.OD? 5- some young men are not very interested in it's engine. 6- Does the Panther 3.OD look very expensive or quite cheap? Q2/-A-Do as required: 1-She can't paint. She's not 2-Ann (cook) dinner now. 3-she was waiting her Friend. (Negative) 4-10:00 (Tell the time) 5- It has a big car park (Negative) 6-Ali has got a (brown beautiful curly, beautiful curly brown) Q2/-B- Match the following words: List-A- 1-sun 2-car 3-information List-B- (make this sentence more polite) (correct) 4- air 5- vedio a-bag. b- roof c- game. d-park. e-desk (5only) (Three/four) (True/false) (True/false) استاذ ثالث متوسط @stad3m
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