timer Asked: Sep 26th, 2015

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Econ HW1.docx

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PRINCIPLES OF MICROECONOMICS 1. Betty can make either “12 bottles of wine and 0 boxes of chocolates” or “0 bottles of wine and 96 boxes of chocolates” or a combination of wine and chocolates. To answer parts (a) through (c) of this question assume that Betty’s Production Possibility Frontier (PPF) reflects the property of constant opportunity costs. a. [10 points] Draw Betty's PPF. b. [10 points] Find Betty's opportunity cost of a bottle of wine in terms of box(es) of chocolates. c. [10 points] suppose Betty takes a course called WINE 103. After the semester is over she realizes that she can now make either “48 bottles of wine and 0 boxes of chocolates” or “0 bottles of wine and 96 boxes of chocolates” or a combination of wine and chocolates. Find Betty's new opportunity cost of a box of chocolate in terms of bottle(s) of wine. 2. [10 points] Find the equilibrium price (P), quantity (Q), and revenue in a market characterized by the following equations: Qd = 500 - 2P [demand] Qs = 3P [supply] 3. [10 points] According to a Wall Street Journal article "MCI, in New Phone War Skirmish, Files Suit over AT&T Ad Claims," MCI was upset with AT&T over allegedly false claims that AT&T's service is cheaper than MCI's. Suppose that the typical consumer is a small business, Woodbrook Electronics. Woodbrook uses MCI as their long-distance carrier and currently places 100 calls per month. MCI charges a price of $0.80 per phone call. Woodbrook used to subscribe to AT&T and placed 90 calls per month at AT&T's old rate of $.90 per phone call, but switched to MCI to take advantage of the lower price. Based on this data, estimate the equation for Woodbrook's demand assuming it is linear.
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