BUL4321 Accounting; Business Law 2 Debate This: Security Interests Chapter 25, Page 602

timer Asked: May 11th, 2022

Question Description

Accounting; Business Law 2

Debate This: Security Interests

Chapter 25, Page 602

Paul Barton owned a small property-management company, doing business as Brighton Homes. In October, Barton went on a spending spree. First, he bought a Bose surround-sound system for his home from KDM Electronics. The next day, he purchased a Wilderness Systems kayak from Outdoor Outfitters, and the day after that he bought a new Toyota 4-Runner financed through Bridgeport Auto. Two weeks later, Barton purchased six new iMac computers for his office, also from KDM Electronics. Barton bought all of these items under installment sales contracts. Six months later, Barton’s property-management business was failing. He could not make the payments due on any of these purchases and thus defaulted on the loans. Using the information presented in the chapter, answer the following questions.

For which of Barton’s purchases (the surround-sound system, the kayak, the 4-Runner, and the six iMacs) would the creditor need to file a financing statement to perfect its security interest?

Suppose that Barton’s contract for the office computers mentioned only the name, Brighton Homes. What would be the consequences if KDM Electronics filed a financing statement that listed only Brighton Homes as the debtor’s name?

Which of these purchases would qualify as a PMSI in consumer goods?

Suppose that after KDM Electronics repossesses the surround-sound system, it decides to keep the system rather than sell it. Can KDM do this under Article 9? Why or why not?

Debate This:

A financing statement that does not have the debtor’s exact name should still be effective because creditors should always be protected when debtors default

*Pay attention to the last part "Debate This: A financing statement that does not have the debtor’s.........."

*Adding to answer the questions and the debate, I need that you to write an answer of what you wrote, in other words, I need all the explanation, the debate comments, and also an answer of what you wrote as you were another person

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