Erd Diagram & Normalization Problem

Fnen Unlng
timer Asked: Sep 28th, 2015

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York University Assignment #1 ITEC 3220A Fall 2015 Due Date: October 6th, 2015 at 11:00AM 20 points Notes:    All assignments are individual work. No group collaboration is allowed. The cover page of each assignment should include your last name, first name, and your student number. Please submit your assignment by depositing it in the drop-box number 27. The box is located in the TEL building, third floor, near the elevators. Part I. ERD Diagram (10 points) Draw an ERD diagram based on the Chen model for a database to support the basic operations of “Frank River Jewelry”. Specify:  Entity sets, their attributes, and primary keys;  Relationship sets and their descriptive attributes (if such exist);  Connectivities and cardinalities;  Decompose all M-M relationships, if any;  If found, replace any multivalued attributes and composite attributes appropriately. Each piece of jewelry for sale is assigned a unique number, and is described by the name, sale price and a style. Each piece of jewelry can be made from one or more material, e.g. white gold and diamond. The same material can be used to make many pieces of jewelry. The materials used and their amount for each piece must be recorded in the database. Materials are described by material code, title and feature. A material can be a mixture of other materials. Then it is necessary to record the composition of the material including the percentage of each mixed material. The same material can be used to make many kinds of mixtures. 1 For each piece of jewelry it is necessary to record the artist who created the piece of art. Information about artists is to be recorded in the database. It includes artist ID, name, address and phone number. One artist can create many pieces of jewelry. Each piece of jewelry can be only made by one artist. Part II. Normalization (10 points) Using the conceptual model (ERD) presented below, create a relational schema for the database of a manufacturing company. For each of the relations, indicate the normal form for that relation, if the relation is not in third normal form, decompose it into 3NF. 2 Customer_ID Customer_Nam e CUSTOMER Address 1 1 has RECORD 1 R_ID History submit Order_ID M ORDER Order_Date 1 M Order_Quantity orderline M 1 PRODUCT Product_ID Description 1 Price M produce E_ID M E_Name Skill_ID Skill_Name 1 WORK CENTER 1 M work M 1 EMPLOYEE 1 M W_ID W_Name supervise 3
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