7-9 page paper on Limits of mobile operating systems and how to overcome

timer Asked: Sep 29th, 2015

Question Description


I am currently behind in one of my classes and I need a short paper written. I have an outline with notes from my professor on where the paper can be improved. This paper will be run through turnitin.com for plagiarism so this will need to be an original. Here are the guidelines:

Research Paper Guidelines

  • Your final paper should be 4 to 5 pages long. This does not include the cover sheet, illustrations, schematics, or bibliography.
  • Follow APA format.
  • Include the following elements:
    • Title: The title is a concise statement of the subject of the paper.
    • Abstract: The abstract is an "executive overview" of your paper. It should be a 50-100 word summary that would be appropriate to give to your instructor to indicate the essence of your project.
    • Table of Contents: In this section, list each section of your paper along with the page number. The list should include: 
      • Tables and figures (if you include more than two) 
      • Appendices, if included 
      • A bibliography or reference section listing sources used and including links to online content
    • Introduction: In this section, state the purpose of the paper in succinct, declarative sentences. Convince your reader that the study will have a practical value and meaning for you and that the study will be based upon the concepts studied in the course.
    • Background and Significance: This section provides further justification of the need for your study. If your project examines a topic drawn from your work, include a description of your work environment, your position in the organization and how your position fits into the organization, both vertically and horizontally. 
      • Explain the applicable concepts from the course. If your project is focused on a particular organization, explain how these concepts apply to that organization. What is the organization doing well? Would it benefit by adopting some of the concepts you have been studying?
    • Discussion, Implications and Recommendations: In this section, provide a thorough discussion of your findings and the implications of your study. 
      • Be sure to include only the pertinent implications.
    • References: You cannot use your texts alone as your primary source of information. You must draw on other sources such as web sites, business journals, legal and compliance journals, government agencies, professional associations, industry standards, and so on. You will need to reference at least three credible bibliographic resources. 
      • Be sure to support the information presented with appropriate references. It is important that all references and quotes be cited correctly. All sources, including web sites, must be referenced in the bibliography or references list. You must follow APA style.
  • Format: Keep in mind that all accepted rules of English composition apply. Papers must be word-processed, double-spaced, and must have standard margins (one inch on each side). APA Format.
  • Length: The LENGTH of the paper, excluding cover page and references, is 7–9 pages.
Topic Proposal, outline and professor notes 

Please let me know if you can help and how quickly you can get this back to me.

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M3A2 MOBILE OPERATING SYSTEMS M3A2: Topic Proposal and Outline for Mobile Operating Systems Brandon Gilstrap Excelsior College IT360: Operating Systems 13 September, 2015 Professor Charles Snead 1 M3A2 MOBILE OPERATING SYSTEMS 2 M3A2 According to Silberschatz, Galvin & Gagne (2013), p. 55, “An operating system provides the environment within which programs are executed.” Mobile operating systems are at a disadvantage due to the lack of hardware that the operating system must support. Mobile operating systems also have to adjust for how many devices are available, each with their own hardware design and options that can be supported. Factors like screen resolution, CPU, memory, OS optimization and more could be different, affecting operating system performance. Where the true problem lays with mobile operating systems is in the applications that are created for them. “Mobile devices like smart phones and tablets can help you work efficiently and stay in touch when you're travelling on business or away from the office” (The IT Donut, 2015). The nature of mobile applications means they need to run effectively on multiple devices, from iPhones, to Android devices, smartphones to tablets and beyond. Mobile operating systems apps present numerous challenges. An app that functions perfectly on one device may have issues on another. M3A2 MOBILE OPERATING SYSTEMS 3 Topic: Mobile operating systems provide users with connectivity that was previously thought to be impossible. The operating systems that provide functionality to these devices must be small and robust to deal with a lack of hardware due to the small size of the mobile device. Introduction: Mobile operating systems are at a disadvantage due to the lack of hardware that the operating system must support. Mobile operating systems also have to adjust for how many devices are available, each with their own hardware design and options that can be supported. Factors like screen resolution, CPU, memory, OS optimization and more could be different, affecting operating system performance. Where the true problem lays with mobile operating systems is in the applications that are created for them. The nature of mobile applications means they need to run effectively on multiple devices, from iPhones, to Android devices, smartphones to tablets and beyond. Mobile operating systems apps present numerous challenges. An app that functions perfectly on one device may have issues on another. Body: I. Form factor of the mobile operating system. Coding must be small and robust. II. Hardware specifications of mobile devices. III. Mobile operating systems must adjust for the amount of devices currently available. IV. Mobile operating systems must adjust for the amount of applications that are expected to run across multiple platforms. Conclusion: “Mobile devices like smart phones and tablets can help you work efficiently and stay in touch when you're travelling on business or away from the office” (The IT Donut, 2015). They provide a connection that was never thought possible. The hardware is small and the M3A2 MOBILE OPERATING SYSTEMS expectations for the mobile device are high. Mobile operating systems must be able to adjust for these downfalls to provide the users with the best experience possible. 4 M3A2 MOBILE OPERATING SYSTEMS References Silberschatz, A., Galvin, P., & Gagne, G. (2013). Operating Systems Concepts (9th ed.). Hoboken, NJ: Wiley The IT Donut. (2015). Mobile Devices. Retrieved from http://www.itdonut.co.uk/it/computer-hardware/mobile-devices Raman, A. (2015). Mobile Operating System – A Comparative Study of Mobile OS. Retrieved from http://atechjourney.com/mobile-operating-system-a-comparative-study-of-mobileos.html/ Brown, M. (2013). The Pros & Cons of the Major Mobile Operating Systems. Retrieved from http://www.developer-tech.com/news/2013/may/02/the-pros-cons-of-the-major-mobileoperating-systems/ 5
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