Concert report

timer Asked: Aug 4th, 2022

Question Description

Concert information, and either a photo of the concert, a photo of the concert program, or a URL to the concert you watched online. Concert must be at least 45 minutes in length.

Summary of who played and what they played. Observations of how the performers such as how they carried themselves, how they dressed for the concert, how they acknowledged each other and the audience.

Observations of the audience such as how did they react to the performers, their relative noise level, when did they clap, how were they generally dressed.

Opinions such as did you like the pieces played, did you like the way the performers carried themselves, and did you like how the audience behaved.

Part 2

Composer research.

Choose two composers from the concert you watched and write about each including their biographical information, their musical education, and their major contributions to music.

Part 3


MLA format bibliography of the resources used in the composer research section.

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