Analytical Paper- Communications

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Analytical Paper 1 is one of three summative assessments for this course. You will develop an analytical paper on the validity of news production research theory. This will require you to conduct research to establish and support the paper thesis defending or refuting the theory. This paper is not an opinion paper and should not contain your opinion on the events. It should contain your analysis of the validity of the theory based on objective research that you conduct according to the instructions provided below. Analytical Paper 1 is due in Module Three. This assessment will assess your mastery with respect to the following course outcome:  Analyze the epistemological foundations and conceptual models of the communication discipline for their implications to the creation of meaning and relationships Prompt News production research suggests that media do have a strong effect on individuals and society. The news production research perspective is grounded in the critical cultural tradition, which proposes that the economic and other pressures on the production of news distort its content in favor of society’s elites (e.g., government, large corporations). This is, however, a controversial approach to studying media. Your challenge in this assignment is to test the theory and then defend it or refute it, based on your findings.* Choose four news outlets: a daily newspaper, a local TV news station, a national news magazine, and a national TV broadcast. For one day’s coverage, find as many examples as you can of the four common news production conventions: personalized, dramatized, fragmented, and normalized news. Decide what the “slant” is on each story, and summarize your findings in a table. Now decide whether or not you accept the arguments of news production research. Use specific examples from your findings to support your position. You must use identify and use credible scholarly resources (See these resources for help) to support your discussion. Use an appropriate academic writing style (See Academic Writing Style) and proper APA formatting. Refer to your APA Publication Manual for more information. *This assignment is adapted from the course textbook, Introduction to Mass Communication: Media Literacy and Culture, Baran 2015, page 347. Specifically the following critical elements must be addressed: 1. Analyze four discrete sources of news to identify news stories that are personalized, dramatized, fragmented, or normalized and present your analysis about the “slant” of the news stories in a summary table. 2. Discuss the impact of the four common news production conventions on the field of communication in terms of their implications to: a) The creation of meaning b) Relationships among different groups in society and between consumers and producers of news 3. Provide a well-reasoned argument in favor or against the validity of the news production research perspective, using examples from your research. 4. Ensure that all quotations and paraphrasing of ideas are cited and all in-text citations and references are in correct APA format. 5. Use correct grammar, including punctuation, and a style that follows academic writing standards. Rubric Guidelines for Submission: Analysis paper assignments should follow these formatting guidelines: Use of three sources, 2 to 4 pages (not including the title page or References section), double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, one-inch margins. A minimum of three scholarly resources must be used. Citations for all quotations and paraphrasing of ideas and all in-text citations and references are provided in correct APA format. Instructor Feedback: This activity uses an integrated rubric in Blackboard. Students can view instructor feedback in the Grade Center. For more information, review these instructions. Critical Elements Exemplary (100%) Proficient (90%) Needs Improvement (75%) Not Evident (0%) Value Summary of Findings Meets “Proficient” criteria, and analyses are supported with examples from the sources used Analyses are organized in a table, and the “slant” of each discrete source of news is described Analyses are organized in a table, and the “slant” of each discrete source of news is described; however, the analyses are general, limited, or unclear Analyses are not organized in a table, or the “slant” of each discrete source of news is not described 15 Impact of News Production Conventions – Meaning Meets “Proficient” criteria, and discussion is nuanced and wellsupported with research Discusses the impact of news production conventions on the field of communication, specifically in terms of the creation of meaning The discussion of the impact of news production conventions on the field of communication, specifically in terms of the creation of meaning, is insufficient Does not address the impact of news production conventions on the field of communication in terms of the creation of meaning 20 Impact of News Production Conventions – Relationships Meets “Proficient” criteria, and the implications for relationships are supported with a comprehensive use of examples Discusses the impact of news production conventions on the field of communication, specifically the implications for relationships Discusses the impact of news production conventions on the field of communication; however, the implications for relationships are not specifically addressed Does not discuss the implications of news production conventions on relationships 20 Well-Reasoned Defense/Refutation Meets “Proficient” criteria, and argument is thorough and supported with many relevant examples from research Presents a well-reasoned argument clearly in favor or against the validity of the news production research perspective, using specific examples from research Presents an argument on the validity of the news production research perspective; however, the stance is unclear or the use of specific examples from research does not provide support Does not present an argument on the validity of the news production research perspective 20 Citation Integration and Format Meets “Proficient” criteria, and paraphrasing and integration of quotes are highly fluent and effective in supporting the argument Paraphrases and/or integrates quotes to substantiate argument, with all citations in accurate APA format Paraphrases are occasionally too similar to original text and/or quotes are occasionally too long or are integrated ineffectively or many citations are not in accurate APA format Does not effectively paraphrase, and/or essay is composed primarily of quotes and/or sources are not cited accurately 15 Articulation of Response Submission is free of errors related to grammar, spelling, syntax, and organization, and presentation meets academic writing standards Submission has no major errors related to grammar, spelling, syntax, and organization, and presentation is acceptable in terms of academic writing standards Submission has major errors related to grammar, spelling, syntax, and organization, or the presentation does not meet academic writing standards Submission has critical errors related to grammar, spelling, syntax, or organization that prevent understanding of ideas 10 Earned Total 100%

The four news media outlets are a national magazine: Time Magazine, a national newspaper: the washington post, a national news broadcast is fox news, and a local news station.  

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