Math word problem help needed

timer Asked: Oct 26th, 2015

Question Description

Two siblings named named Dave and Sarah have trouble deciding who does which chore. In order to figure out who is washing dishes Dave pulls two utensils out the bag at random. The bag has two spoons and three forks. If Dave picks out two utensils that are the same then he has to wash them and Sarah has to dry them. If they are different, then it switches and Sarah has to wash and Dave has to dry them. They wanted to make a probability so it can equal 50% because Sarah thought the system was unfair. It was unfair because she washed dishes  60% of the time. Both Dave and Sarah could not figure out what the right number would be in order for it to be equal. My task is to figure out how many combinations of spoons would make their system fair. I have to record all combinations even if it is incorrect to see if i notice a pattern. Lastly, I have to explain how I know that my combination is fair or unfair.

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