the documents has questions that must be answer with your word no work cited

timer Asked: Oct 27th, 2015

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1. Using a minimum of 150 words, address the following: CH1. What regional differences in native societies and economies existed on the North American continent before European arrival? How did Europeans make sense of native societies? Write response here Using a minimum of 150 words, address the following: CH2.Compare and contrast motivations and early settlement patterns of the Chesapeake colonies and those in New England. Write response here Using a minimum of 150 words, address the following: CH3. Explain the rise of slavery in the Chesapeake, and the effect of Bacon’s rebellion on slavery. Write response here Using a minimum of 150 words, address the following: CH4.What triggered the Great Awakening in the colonies? What did the religious revival offer colonists and what were its consequences? Write response here Using a minimum of 150 words, address the following: CH5. How did the Seven Year’s War change the approach of the British imperial government toward the colonies? Explain how that led to a crisis over representation and taxation. Write response here Using a minimum of 150 words, address the following: CH6.Discuss the participation of women in the American Revolution, and changes the political philosophy of republicanism brought for women in the wake of the Revolution. Write response here Using a minimum of 150 words, address the following: CH7. How did the authors of the Constitution create a balance between federal and state governments, and between large and small states? What compromises did the Constitution make on the institution of slavery? Write response here CH8. In what ways did Jefferson's presidency betray his original vision for the new republic? In what ways did it fulfill that vision? Write response here CH9. Using a minimum of 150 words, address the following: •What improvements did the new “cult of domesticity” bring to women’s lives, and what disadvantages did the new conception of femininity have? Write response here CH10.Using a minimum of 150 words, address the following: 5. Explain the “American System” and its benefits. Write response here CH11.Using a minimum of 150 words, address the following: Discuss the different working conditions of slaves in the antebellum South. Write response here CH12.Using a minimum of 150 words, Address the following: Who was William Lloyd Garrison? How did he and other abolitionists change conceptions of race in American society? Write response here CH13. Using a minimum of 150 words, address the following: How did the victory over Mexico intensify the political conflict over slavery? Write response here CH14. Using a minimum of 150 words, address the following: How did slaves turn the war for the Union into a war for liberation? Write response here
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