GEOLOGY questions

Question Description
Rocks classified as volcanic
form at depth |
solidify at the surface |
expand in size |
are flat in shape |
Conglomerate would be an example of: |
A intrusive sedimentary rock
A chemical sedimentary rock
A detrital sedimentary rock
A foliated sedimentary rock
Coquina is a type of
Clastic sedimentary rock |
Metamorphic rock |
biochemical sedimentary rock |
Igneous rock |
Humans developed during the ____ era.
cambrian |
cenozoic |
mesozoic |
paleozoic |
Rock formations always contain a specific index fossil.
True |
False |
The first mineral to crystallize from a body of magma is
Which of the following is an igneous rock?
Basalt |
Marble |
Schist |
Conglomerate |
The sequence or order in which minerals crystallize from magma is called____.
Porphyritic sequencing |
The chemical gradient of the magma |
Bowen's reaction series |
The rock cycle |
The number representing the ratio of a mineral's weight to the weight of an equal volume of water is known as:
Weight |
Specific Gravity |
Buoyancy |
Displacement |
Which one of the following mineral groups shows cleavage in one plane?
Olivine group |
Pyroxene group |
Micas |
Feldspars |
Sodium can become positively charged by giving up one electron.
True |
False |
Much of the world's copper is extracted from ___.
pegmatite deposits |
disseminated deposits |
vein deposits |
Paleocene deposits |
The streak of a mineral represents
The color of the practical mineral |
The color of the powdered mineral |
The coloring agent inan idiochromatic mineral |
All of the above |
Shields are expansive, raised regions composed of deformed crystalline rock.
True |
False |

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