MGT101 Discussion week 9

timer Asked: Oct 28th, 2022

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what it the task to create an innovative climate? what is the level of innovation?

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Week 9: Interactive Learning Activity ١٢:٣٠ موضوع Week 9: Interactive Learning Activity :Learning Outcomes 9.1 Describe the importance of personality and ⚫ .individual traits in the hiring process Explain the effects of values and attitudes on ⚫ .employee behavior .Describe the way perception can cloud judgement. Explain how managers can deal with employee ⚫ .attitudes :Action Required 9.2 A recent survey by the Boston Consulting Group identified risk-averse culture as the key obstacle to innovation. The Legendary 3M Chairman William McKnight once said, "The best and the hardest work is done in the spirit of adventure and challenges.... "Mistakes will be made Choose any organization that has an innovative climate. It .may be your organization where you work (Test your Knowledge (Question 9.3 What it takes to create innovative climate? What is the ?level of innovation Instructions 9.4 Answer the question available in the "Test your ⚫ .Knowledge" section Post your answer in the discussion board using the ⚫ discussion link below (Week 9: Interactive Learning Discussion) + + موضوعات (0)Week 9: Interactive Learning Activity ١٢:٣٠ موضوع Week 9: Interactive Learning Activity :Learning Outcomes 9.1 Describe the importance of personality and ⚫ .individual traits in the hiring process Explain the effects of values and attitudes on ⚫ .employee behavior .Describe the way perception can cloud judgement. Explain how managers can deal with employee ⚫ .attitudes :Action Required 9.2 A recent survey by the Boston Consulting Group identified risk-averse culture as the key obstacle to innovation. The Legendary 3M Chairman William McKnight once said, "The best and the hardest work is done in the spirit of adventure and challenges.... "Mistakes will be made Choose any organization that has an innovative climate. It .may be your organization where you work (Test your Knowledge (Question 9.3 What it takes to create innovative climate? What is the ?level of innovation Instructions 9.4 Answer the question available in the "Test your ⚫ .Knowledge" section Post your answer in the discussion board using the ⚫ discussion link below (Week 9: Interactive Learning Discussion) + + موضوعات (0)
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