Help with statistics.

timer Asked: Nov 11th, 2015

Question Description

Researchers wanted to explore self-esteem in adolescent boys and adolescent girls. Each respondent completed a 10-item self-esteem scale (they chose one rating for each item from a Likert-type scale, 1 = strongly disagree and 5 = strongly agree). The sum of the 10 ratings was each respondent’s self-esteem score.  Their results were: t = 2.01, d = .90 (40 girls, 40 boys).

•Instructors will be using a grading rubric to grade the assignments. It is recommended that learners review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment in order to become familiar with the assignment criteria and expectations for successful completion of the assignment.

•Doctoral learners are required to use APA style for their writing assignments. The APA Style Guide is located in the Student Success Center.

•This assignment requires that at least two additional scholarly research sources related to this topic, and at least one in-text citation from each source be included.

1What statistical test did the researchers use to determine if there was a statistically significant difference in levels of self-esteem between the boys and the girls?

2What was the purpose of calculating a Cohen's d? When is a Cohen's d calculated? Interpret d=.90. What does it mean in this example? 

3What if the researcher compared the adolescent boys before treatment and again after treating them for depression? What type of t-test would be most appropriate in this case, and why?

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