researching and implementing a Windows Security strategy to protect Data

timer Asked: Nov 14th, 2015

Question Description


Protecting an organization’s data is an important part of a security officer’s duties. This project provides experience in researching and implementing a Windows Security Strategy to protect data.


In this assignment you will submit the following, in accordance with the tasks outlined below.


You are an IT Consultant hired to work for a firm with many clients in your area. One of your clients, the Big Apple Software Company, has just asked you to implement a Microsoft Soft Windows Security Defense in Depth strategy that would protect data for over 60 NYC agencies in New York. Research what .multi-layered model would be a good solution for this environment and justify why you’ve chosen that model. Write a 3 – 5 page research report to your client justifying the implementation of the Windows Security model. Please note any assumptions.

Include the following elements in your report:

  • Identify sensitive Data
  • Include Administrative Policies and Procedures
  • Create new user accounts with limited rights and permission for services
  • All Client and Servers must be protected and update wit antivirus and malware software.
  • Install firewalls to create a demilitarized zone
  • Wireless networks must be secured using WPA or WPA2 protocols
  • Implement encryption for all communication involving sensitive data
  • Use AD GPOs for your security settings
  • Finally, Describe the implementation of Physical Security


Collect at least six screen shots to capture all AD security settings you’ve implemented, and include them in your report. Following the last screen shot, write a short review of your experience with the implementation of this multi-layered defense model. Note any surprises or problems you ran into, and how you overcame them.

In your review, be sure to also include the following:

  • Describe in detail what you have learned from your research and any new skills you’ve obtained that will benefit you along your career path.
  • Provide a comparison of the Security Model you’ve developed for the Big Apple Software Company to other Security models for other Operating Systems.


  • 3-5 page Research Report
  • Windows Security Network Configuration Summary


This assignment supports the following objectives:

  • Secure a Windows-based server environment.
  • Configure security policies in Windows systems.
  • Harden Windows systems, devices, and domains.
  • Monitor Windows systems for intrusions.
  • Configure secure network communications for a Windows system.
  • Defend your opinion on Windows security relative to security in other operating systems, such as Linux.
  • Evaluate how knowledge, skills, and attitudes learned in this course apply to your chosen career.

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