Marketing management homework

timer Asked: Nov 16th, 2015

Question Description

Hit Your Mark With Matched Messaging" Watch the video below and then respond to the questions that follow[streamerType]=auto

Develop a brief IMC for the company or product you are working on in your assignments.

  • First, tell us about your company or product. What is your unique selling proposition? How do you distinguish your product or company from your competitors?
  • Now, think about how to communicate this information using the AIDA principle. Describe your ad and promotion.
  • How would you vary your ad for different media platforms? How would you vary the schedule to air it for maximum coverage with minimal expense?
Grading rubric mkt500.pdf

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Points: 20 Week 7 Discussion: Hit Your Mark With Matched Messaging Criteria No Attempt 0 Below Expectations 1 Below Developing2 Developing 3 Describe your company or product. Does not attempt to provide a unique selling proposition or distinguish product/company from competitors. Describes competitors’ product/ company but does not provide a unique selling proposition for own product/company. OR Just the opposite: provides USP, but does not discuss competitors. Provides USP for product/company, and describes competitors’ product/ company but does not provide why the USP will help the company standout from the competition. Provides USP for product/company, and describes competitors’ product/ company. Total post is too short and not fully developed (below 5 sentences). Provides why the USP will help the company standout from the competition. Below Exemplary 5 Exemplary 4 The post content is fine, but the formatting contains grammar, spelling, or other formatting mistakes. The discussion points were identified and described with high accuracy, and all appropriate information was identified and discussed clearly. All of the other guidelines are followed. However, more description was needed for clarification. Providing a real life example in the comparison would be helpful. Total Post is too short to be fully developed. (below 10 sentences more than 5 sentences). Describe your ad. Does not describe ad. Describes ad, but the description of the ad does not use the AIDA principle. The description of the ad does use the AIDA principle. The description of the ad uses the AIDA principle. The ad description provides ways to change ad for different mediums. However the information does not provide any indication of why this information is relevant to the target market Total post is too short and not fully developed (below Total Post is too short to be fully The post content is fine, but the formatting contains grammar, spelling, or other formatting mistakes. The discussion points were identified and described with high accuracy, and all appropriate information was identified and discussed clearly. All of the other Describe your promotion. Does not describe promotion. Does not use different media in describing the promotion. 5 sentences). developed. (below 10 sentences more than 5 sentences). Does use different media in describing the promotion, but Does describes how to vary the airing schedule, does not describes how to vary the airing schedule. Total post is too short and not fully developed (below 5 sentences). Response to Peer Does not respond to peer. The student merely restates/summarizes another student’s response. The student merely states an opinion or offers a superficial reaction. The answer is too short and not fully developed (below 5 sentences). But does not provide information for why it is significant to the target market. guidelines are followed. The post content is fine, but the formatting contains grammar, spelling, or other formatting mistakes. Total Post is too short to be fully developed (below 10 sentences more than 5 sentences). Responded to at least one other student, but response was not substantive. Follow-up question might or might not be included The answer is too short and not fully developed (below 10 sentences more than 5 sentences) To improve the student could provide a description of issue and how these facts are related to the discussion thread topic, or provide a different point of view. The response does not demonstrate an understanding of important concepts by furthering the discussion conversation using at least 1 topic mentioned by peer. The post could have been better by furthering the discussion by introducing a new point of The discussion points were identified and described with high accuracy, and all appropriate information was identified and discussed clearly. All of the other guidelines are followed. One followup question was not included. Or the post was not labeled with the peer’s name. Responded to at least one other student; response was substantive and all of the other guidelines are followed. Post is labeled with peer’s name. view. Or a real life example could be used to illustrate a new point of view.
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