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Quadratic Functions and Equations Unit Test 18/11/15 20:42 Quadratic Functions and Equations Unit Test Frank Gjurashaj is taking this assessment. Multiple Choice 1. The graph of y = x2 is shown below. (1 point) Which of the following could be the graph of y = x2 – 3 ?…er=1393561&page=1&header=true&idUnit=30174&idLesson=340091 Page 1 of 12 Quadratic Functions and Equations Unit Test 2. 18/11/15 20:42 (1 point) Which equation could be solved using the graph above? x2 + x – 2 = 0…er=1393561&page=1&header=true&idUnit=30174&idLesson=340091 Page 2 of 12 Quadratic Functions and Equations Unit Test 18/11/15 20:42 x2 + 2x + 1 = 0 x2 – 1 = 0 x2 – 2x + 1 = 0 3. What is the solution to ? (1 point) 4. What are the zeroes of y = x2 – 4x – 5? (1 point) 1, –5 1, 5 –1, –5 –1, 5 5. (1 point) How many real solutions does the function shown on the graph have? no real solutions one real solution two real solutions cannot be determined…er=1393561&page=1&header=true&idUnit=30174&idLesson=340091 Page 3 of 12 Quadratic Functions and Equations Unit Test 6. A football is kicked into the air from an initial height of 3 feet. The height, in feet, of the football above the ground is given by , where t is time in seconds and . Which is closest to the time when the football will be 20 feet above the ground? 18/11/15 20:42 (1 point) 2.72 seconds 0.73 seconds or 1.46 seconds 0.53 seconds 0.53 seconds or 2.72 seconds 7. The lengths of the sides of a rectangular window have the ratio 1.7 to 1. The area of the window is 2,720 square inches. What are the dimensions of the window? (1 point) 40 inches by 136 inches 40 inches by 65 inches 40 inches by 34 inches 40 inches by 68 inches 8. What is the solution to the following equation? (1 point) x = 6 or x = 8 x = –6 or x = –8 x = 4 or x= 12 x = –4 or x = –12 9. Max makes and sells posters. The function p(x) = –10x2 + 200x – 250, graphed below, indicates how much profit he makes in a month if he sells the posters for 20 – x dollars each. (1 point) What should Max charge per poster to make the maximum profit, and what is the maximum…er=1393561&page=1&header=true&idUnit=30174&idLesson=340091 Page 4 of 12 Quadratic Functions and Equations Unit Test 18/11/15 20:42 What should Max charge per poster to make the maximum profit, and what is the maximum profit he can make in a month? $800 at $10 per poster $800 at $5 per poster $750 at $10 per poster $750 at $5 per poster 10. Use graphing to find the solutions to the system of equations. (1 point)…er=1393561&page=1&header=true&idUnit=30174&idLesson=340091 Page 5 of 12 Quadratic Functions and Equations Unit Test 11. 18/11/15 20:42 (1 point) Which of the following are the most likely factors of the function graphed above?…er=1393561&page=1&header=true&idUnit=30174&idLesson=340091 Page 6 of 12 Quadratic Functions and Equations Unit Test 18/11/15 20:42 (x)(x + 6) (x)(x – 6) (x – 2)(x + 3) (x + 2)(x – 3) 12. Suppose a parabola has an axis of symmetry at , a maximum height of 9, and passes through the point . Write the equation of the parabola in vertex form. (1 point) True or False 13. Any number in the form of a ± bi, where a and b are real numbers and b ≠ 0 is considered a pure imaginary number. (1 point) True False 14. The minimum value of a function is the smallest y-value of the function. (1 point) True False 15. i2 = (1 point) True False 16. Complex numbers can be graphed on the real xy coordinate plane. (1 point) True False 17. What is the vertex form of the equation? (2 points) y = –x2 +12x – 4…er=1393561&page=1&header=true&idUnit=30174&idLesson=340091 Page 7 of 12 Quadratic Functions and Equations Unit Test Select attachment 18/11/15 20:42 or drag and drop a file into this area - 20 MB limit 18. What is the expression in factored form? (2 points) 2x2 + 16x + 24…er=1393561&page=1&header=true&idUnit=30174&idLesson=340091 Page 8 of 12 Quadratic Functions and Equations Unit Test Select attachment 18/11/15 20:42 or drag and drop a file into this area - 20 MB limit 19. Use the quadratic formula to solve the equation. (2 points) x2 – 7x – 6 = 0…er=1393561&page=1&header=true&idUnit=30174&idLesson=340091 Page 9 of 12 Quadratic Functions and Equations Unit Test Select attachment 18/11/15 20:42 or drag and drop a file into this area - 20 MB limit 20. Simplify the expression. (2 points) (–2i)(8i)…er=1393561&page=1&header=true&idUnit=30174&idLesson=340091 Page 10 of 12 Quadratic Functions and Equations Unit Test Select attachment 18/11/15 20:42 or drag and drop a file into this area - 20 MB limit Essay Note: Your teacher will grade your response to ensure you receive proper credit for your answer. 21. Describe the benefits of writing a quadratic equation in vertex form and the benefits of writing (4 points) a quadratic equation in standard form. Name specific methods you can use while working with one form or the other.…er=1393561&page=1&header=true&idUnit=30174&idLesson=340091 Page 11 of 12 Quadratic Functions and Equations Unit Test 18/11/15 20:42 © 2015 Connections Education LLC.…er=1393561&page=1&header=true&idUnit=30174&idLesson=340091 Page 12 of 12
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