Essay: What inspired you to go to college?

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What are significant factors or events in your life that have impacted your desire or ability to attend college(1)? Also please elaborate how have you demonstrated a serious commitment to helping others through your campus involvement and /or community service?(2)

(1) Talk about a friend passing away he motivation I got to strive for my best in their honor. (add anything you want to it )

() Separation of my parents

() Parent who lives in Mexico 

()First Generation going to college

(2) My passion I have in my community is for Elder I created a center in Mexico non-profit organization in which I raised money for four years before being able to open this community center where seniors have a free breakfast and fun activities once a month. ( add any sauce to that) 

Point of this is essay is to make yourself seem as you are motivated and you have strong desire to finish school so feel free to make anything up but make sure it seems like I am very involved in the community I put some stuff I have done or stuff in my life that has happened. 

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