John and Mary Smith own a home

timer Asked: Nov 23rd, 2015

Question Description

John and Mary Smith own a home with a detached garage. The garage burns and John and Mary are paid by their insurance for the loss of the building and everything inside. A year later they decide to get more money by burning down their house. They enlist the help of their friend Danny. They store their valuable items at Danny's house. Then they carry out what they have planned. Mary takes their children to a movie while John and Danny go to a party. Danny tells some people at the party he's going to get some tapes to listen to, but he really goes to John's and Mary's house. There, they have left a can of gasoline and a candle. Danny is supposed to spread the gas around, and then put the lit candle in a puddle of gas, so when it burns down,it will ignite the gas. By this time, Danny would be back at the party, establishing an alibi. However,  Danny can't get his lighter to light. While Danny is trying to work the lighter, gas fumes spread throughout the house and reach the pilot light to the water heater and explode. Danny rushes from the house with his clothes on fire where neighbors put him out and call 911. Danny is taken to the hospital where he is treated with major 3rd degree burns. He loses his arms, his lower legs, and his eyesight. Who can be charged with what crimes?

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