research paper on movie

timer Asked: Nov 27th, 2015

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I need a 5 page research paper on the movie Shutter Island - Need an A+ on this


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I. Introduction • Basic overview of the paper o What is the film o What are the themes II. Short Bio of Writer/Director • Who is the author o Where is he from ▪ How did he get into filmmaking o Awards ▪ Academy Awards ▪ Golden Globes o Other interests ▪ Deep sea exploration ▪ Space exploration III. Major Themes IV. Major Works V. Historical Context • What actually happened o Facts o Facts VI. Summarize the movie • One paragraph about the movie up to the peak • One paragraph about the movie after the peak VII. Interpretation • Talk about the themes o How does the movie show these themes? ▪ Use specific scenes and moments from the movie as examples of the themes VIII. Remarks from Contemporaries • About author • About the film o Both from critics and from other directors and writers o IX. What the movie means to me • My own personal connection with the movie o What do I like about it o What sticks out to me X. Conclusion • Short summary of the paper, bringing the points all together
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