C# Case Scenario

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Case Scenario

A parking garage charges a $30.00 minimum charge to park for up to three hours. The garage charges an additional $5.00 per hour for each hour or part thereof in excess of three hours. The maximum charge for a preferred customer is $100.00. Parking charges are taxed at 8%.


  • Assume that no car parks for longer than 24 hours at a time.
  • There are 10 preferred customers on file.


Part A: Write an application that calculates and displays the parking charges for customers who parked in the garage yesterday. Upload a zip file containing the project folder of the application created by the Visual Studio complier. The application is graded according to the rubric below.

Part B: Create a presentation describing your program. The presentation is graded according to the assignment grading rubric in the syllabus.

The application must contain the following programming characteristics or structures:

  1. Prompt the user to enter the hours parked for each new and preferred customer who parked in the garage yesterday
  2. Display the charge and tax after each entry by the user
  3. Update and display the running total of charges and taxes after each entry by the user
  4. A method named CalculateCharges to determine the charge for each customer
  5. A decision structure
  6. A looping structure
  7. An array structure containing preferred customer names

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Explanation & Answer

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