c++ assignment

timer Asked: Dec 9th, 2015

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this is c++ assignment can u solve it ?

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QUESTION 1 10 points Save Answer Write a code that ask the user for three inputs x, y, and z, all of type int; the program returns the average of the three numbers entered. If the user enter -15, 44, and 33.5, your code will return 20.8333 Attach File Browse My Computer Browse Content Collection QUESTION 2 10 points Save Answer Write a code that automatically generate a random integer between 1 and 100. Your code will print the random number generated to the console then print to the console whether or not this number is a multiple of 3. Attach File Browse My Computer Browse Content Collection QUESTION 3 10 points Save Answer Write a code that asks the user for a positive integer n, then prints all integers from 0 ton. If user enter 5, the program will print 0 1 2 3 4 5 Attach File Browse My Computer Browse Content Collection QUESTION 4 10 points Save Answer Write a simple while loop validation program. The code asks the user to enter a number between 1 and 50. As long as the entry is not between 1 and 50, the program print: "Invalid entry; please enter a number between 1 and 50. Attach File Browse My Computer Browse Content Collection QUESTION 5 10 points Save Answer Write a program that contains and uses a function called tripleNum. void tripleNum(int&); This function utilize a call by reference. The function get an argument n and multiply it by 3. The program ask for a number a, pass it on as an argument for tripleNum(), and print the result of tripleNum(int& entry) on the entry. Attach File Browse My Computer Browse Content Collection QUESTION 6 10 points Save Answer Using vectors, write a program that asks a user to enter word, saves that word into a vector and prints out the the console: - vowels in the entered word - consonants in the entered word Tips: focus on the vowels; everything else becomes consonant. Attach File Browse My Computer Browse Content Collection QUESTION 7 10 points Save Answer Complete (add onto this code) the missing expressions/lines of code, to display the words: jewelry stones cabbage knees owls toy-like lice • Q_pointers.cpp Epubmit your working code. Attach File Browse My Computer Browse Content Collection QUESTION 8 10 points Save Answer Consider the following constructor: o student (string n, int k) o{ o name = n; o no_of_tests = k; o marks = new double [k]; o for(int i = 0; i
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