can you complete this for me?

timer Asked: Dec 16th, 2015

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read and complete this for me it easy i just dont have time ?


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LAC2: CR 3 Inferences Benchmark Part A: Constructed Response Constructed Response 3 Inferences You may print this document so that you can highlight and take notes as needed. ☺ Name: STEP 1: Please review the rubric I use to grade your Constructed Response. *Criteria on Which You Were Graded >WRITING SKILLS: You should demonstrate the ability to respond to a work of literature using conventional writing techniques that include using transitional words and using proper punctuation, grammar, spelling, and sentence structure. This includes enclosing all textual support in quotes (" "). >READING SKILLS: You should demonstrate the ability to understand and analyze a passage by restating the question and answering the question correctly and completely in the opening sentences, and also by closing your answer with a summarizing sentence. >SUPPORTING SKILLS: You should demonstrate the ability to identify and use relevant quotes from the passage to support your response and to thoroughly explain those quotes in relation to your answer. *TOTAL POINTS EARNED ON THIS RESPONSE *Points Earned *What Makes this a Perfect Constructed Response? *Feedback *What to do Now… 10 10 10 30 STEP 2: After reviewing and understanding the areas in which you will be graded, please read this passage and the question that follows: Stranded By: Tracy Wilson APRIL 25. Even the morning air is sultry today. I would have fished for my breakfast last night before sunset, but I knew that it would surely spoil before morning. Drinking my water warm has taken some getting used to. It’s funny how we take certain things like ice for granted. If I become desperate I can always resort to eating the freeze dried rations, but that defeats my purpose for being here to begin with. Besides, they are about as edible as the tough, dry bark in a long dead tree. I think I have almost learned to track the time by the rays of the sun. Time, like water, seems to sit in a pot unable to boil if your eye isn’t constantly on it. Time seems to be the only thing that man hasn’t learned to control; but I am sure some genius like Fred Johnson is currently working on it, while sitting in a cubicle checking the four thousand emails on his Palm Pilot. As for me, I think I will lean back on this dune and nap a while before I head out to catch some lunch. LAC2: CR 3 Inferences Benchmark Part A: Constructed Response Question: What inferences can be made about the narrator’s purpose for choosing to be “stranded”? Using specific evidence from the passage, explain your conclusions. STEP 3: Answer the question using the RACER Writing Guide. RACER WRITING GUIDE Letter Type of Sentence or Sentences R and A The first sentences Restate the question/prompt and give your Answer to it This sentence is textual support, C so Cite evidence by providing a quote from the text E This sentence Explains how your textual support relates to your answer These sentences are a Repeat of R C and E… OR You may need to answer another part of the question THEN Repeat C and E STEP 4 is below….. Write Your Sentences in This Column LAC2: CR 3 Inferences Benchmark Part A: Constructed Response STEP 4: Once your RACERS Writing Guide is complete, use the following box to write the final, formal version of your revised Constructed Response: Step 5: Submit to the ‘CR 3 Inferences’ dropbox when you finish. This is due no later than Sunday at 6 pm!!!
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