
timer Asked: Dec 22nd, 2015

Question Description

  • Explore the benefits of a large population. What are some problems that come with this?
  • Should the U.S. adopt a policy like China's "One Child" Policy? Why or why not?
  • A central value of U.S. culture is that of freedom. Would population restrictions contrast this? Why or why not?
  • Apply functionalism to the "One Child" Policy. (If needed, review Week 1. We covered this in our Week 1 discussion and Chapter 1 readings.)
  • Using your textbook and additional resources, write a 1-2 page paper addressing population. Be certain to use functionalism in your analysis. Please note your grade will be based on the content of your work as well as on the spelling, grammar, and presentation.

    You will find some additional resources to help with your individual work in the Webliography section of this course. There is a guide to APA style, a link to help you in writing a research paper, links for researching your topic, and additional help on the theoretical perspectives. You may want to use these resources, but do not restrict yourself to these resources.

    The paper should be double-spaced and in a regular font and size. The recommended fonts and sizes are Times New Roman, Arial, or Courier, size 12.

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