Need assistance with W3A1 please.

Oenaqba J
timer Asked: Jan 18th, 2016

Question Description

Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)

Based on your understanding of project planning and budgeting, express your views on the following:

  • What is scope planning and scope creeping?
  • What are some of the ways to avoid problems and manage scope correctly?

You've been assigned the project of setting up a LAN with a broadband connection in your office. You need to provide internet connectivity for web browsing to all users. All the computers have Microsoft Windows 7 software installed.

Based on your understanding of different aspects of project management, address the following:

Develop a WBS based on the details provided below:

  • Network design
  • Networking hardware setup
  • Broadband router
  • Network cards
  • Network cabling
  • Servers
  • Networking software
  • Server operating system
  • Proxy server software
  • System configuration
  • Testing
  • Training

In a Microsoft Word document, create a detailed report describing the scope and WBS of this project.

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