
timer Asked: Jan 18th, 2016

Question Description

Read the article on "Identity and Access Management: IAM Architecture and Practice", and review Figure 1 below.  

Figure 1. Enterprise IAM functional architecture (source:

In your paper for this week, answer the following: What major blocks of this diagram are now offered as a cloud service? Of those services, which do you think is less likely to be adopted by organizations? Of those services, which do you think is more likely to be adopted by organizations? Does your opinion depend upon the type of company? For instance, if the company is highly regulated or has high risks, cloud services may not be an option. Basically, this week you need to analyze how Enterprise IAM functions works with cloud services. Include at least one additional reference not included in the weekly reading.

Your paper should follow standard formatting with an introduction, body, and conclusion.  Use APA or MLA for style, citations, and references.  Your paper should display good attention to wording, spelling, punctuation, and grammar.Your paper should atleast 2 page content.


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