I need help with 15 philosophy questions

timer Asked: Jan 21st, 2016

Question Description

5. Which of the following is an effective way to critique a deductive argument? (Points : 1)

Question 6.6. Deciduous trees are trees that shed their leaves. Maple trees are deciduous trees. Thus, maple trees will shed their leaves at some point during the growing season.
The statement, “Maple trees are deciduous trees,” is a premise. (Points : 1)

Question 7.7. All dogs are warm-blooded. All warm-blooded creatures are mammals. Hence, all dogs are mammals. 
The sentence, “Hence, all dogs are mammals,” is a premise in this argument. (Points : 1)

Question 8.8. A premise can __________. (Points : 1)

Question 9.9. If we go to the movies, we will need to drive the minivan. (Points : 1)

Question 10.10. If you eat candy, all that candy then you will get sick. If you get sick, then you won’t be able to go to the dance. If you don’t go to the dance, you won’t be able to dance with Hilary. If you don’t get to dance with Hilary, then you will be miserable. So you shouldn’t eat it.
What is the conclusion of this argument? (Points : 1)

Question 11.11. An argument is deductive __________. (Points : 1)

Question 12.12. Spouse: “I know that you get angry a lot. I’m sure that pretty soon you will hit me or something. And what are we gonna do when we have kids? You will probably beat them until they run out of the house, and I will be left childless and abused! (Points : 1)

Question 13.13. When disagreeing with a premise, __________. (Points : 1)

Question 14.14. Which type of inductive argument is the following?
He is late; there must have been traffic. (Points : 1)

Question 15.15. In an argumentative essay, the premises of the argument __________. (Points : 1)

Question 16.16. The support in an argumentative essay __________. (Points : 1)

Question 17.17. Since all philosophers are seekers of truth, it follows that no evil human is a seeker after truth, since no philosophers are evil humans. 
The statement, “no evil human is a seeker after truth,” is the conclusion. (Points : 1)

Question 18.18. How should one ethically engage in verbal argumentation? (Points : 1)

Question 19.19. “Cats are a billion times better than dogs” uses which rhetorical device? (Points : 1)

Question 20.20. “If I drive drunk I’ll crash. I crashed, so I must be drunk.” (Points : 1)

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