HUM DQ help

timer Asked: May 26th, 2013

Question Description

Discussion 1: WWI Poetry  

  • While the image of the soldier poet may seem like an unlikely mix, the devastating effects of technological warfare experienced during WWI were the impetus for WWI poetry. Describe the message you think the soldier poet was trying to convey in his poetry.
  • Explain whether you think the poetry gives a reader an accurate depiction of the true meaning and impact of war on the average soldier and his family, especially during the WW I era.
  • Describe what words or phrases the poets use to get the reader to “see” and “feel” the same experiences. Is this possible?
  • Explain whether you think artistic works such as these poems would be successful or popular today. How do you think audiences would react to poetry written by U.S. soldiers stationed in Afghanistan or Iraq?

Discussion 2: Harlem Renaissance  
  • Identify points in Countee Cullen’s poem Heritage or another poem of the Harlem Renaissance in which you see evidence of the notion of double-consciousness. Explain whether this notion is relevant to experiences of contemporary audiences.
  • Of the various authors, artists, and musicians who lived during the Harlem Renaissance, identify whose autograph you would most want and explain why.
  • Explain the appeal of Harlem’s nightlife to whites, especially during Prohibition. Discuss whether you consider the cross-over appeal of Hip-Hop culture a similar cultural phenomenon today.

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