system engineering homework

timer Asked: Jan 30th, 2016

Question Description

Homework #1 
1. Consider the set of systems principles described in the SEBoK article “Principles of Systems Thinking.” There is a common misconception that systems thinking principles are not applicable to non-engineered systems. Do you think that are there systems principles that can be applied to non-engineered complex systems? If so, pick at least three and explain why and how they apply.
(Note: Remember an engineered system is one that is created and managed by and for humans in order to provide a solution to a need, while a non-engineered system is one whose elements are wholly natural.)

2. Suppose you have been asked to create a top-level model of the light rail system for the Mayor of Shelbyville showing major elements and interactions of the system. (Hint: Think about what the Mayor might be interested in seeing.) 
Construct a graphical system model of the light rail system similar to the Air Transport system model Nick showed you. You may use a computer to draw the model or you may draw it by hand.

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