preparation and management of food items

timer Asked: Feb 7th, 2016

Question Description

This week,I will be preparing a minimum 750 word essay.  You will be writing  this paper from the perspective of a restaurant manager.  The format of the  paper must follow APA format - that means it must include a properly formatted  title page and a properly formatted reference page.

Describe the  preparation of a full meal, including salad and main course (protein, vegetable  and starch).  Dessert is not required.

Describe, in detail, the steps you  or your employees will follow from how your ingredients are stored, how you  prepare the meal (assume at least one item is frozen),  through serving the meal  to your customers.  If you are using items that have been prepped already,  (perhaps the salad) be sure to describe the procedures that the prep cook used  to prepare that item.  The focus should not be on recipes, but the preparation  techniques and steps you are taking to ensure you are preparing and serving food  safely. 

Be sure to describe each step in detail, including the person or  people involved, what they are wearing and their actions.  Include proper  storage, thawing, cooking and serving techniques.  Be certain that you are  taking every precaution possible to ensure the safety of the meal you are  serving.  How do you know that the food you are serving is safe?  Follow the  description through to delivering the meal to the customer.

Include  references, in APA format. Use Serve safe book for help!

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