psychology capstone

timer Asked: Feb 8th, 2016

Question Description

1.  Is this research descriptive, correlational, experimental, quasi-experimental, or the abstract lacks enough information to determine?  Explain your choice.

While it is common practice for parents to coach their own children, research to date has not examined the impact of parent-coaches. This study investigated the effect of parent-coaches on participation motivation and competitive state anxiety. Ss were 36 parent-coached and 26 nonparent-coached children (aged 9–14 yrs). These children completed a demographic questionnaire, the Participation Motivation Inventory, and the Competitive State Anxiety Inventory-2. Participant motives between parent-coached and nonparent-coached Ss did not significantly differ. No significant differences were found on competitive state anxiety between parent- and nonparent-coached athletes. While parent involvement in youth sport has often been negatively regarded, this investigation did not support a differential impact on children. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)

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