ISSA Fitness nutrition

timer Asked: Feb 9th, 2016

Question Description

Find a potential client (friend, family member, current training client, or even yourself) and initiate an initial assessment. Have the client complete the appropriate questionnaires. You can download forms from the SFN course homepage or utilize the forms in the Client Forms and Handouts packet included with your course materials.

Fully describe your nutrition and coaching plan for the client including:

1. client level and the reason for choosing this level

2. limiting factors

3. outcome goals

4. behavior goals

5. which assessments you will record and why/how you will incorporate the results

6. your recommended nutrition and supplement plan

7. what (if anything) your client will need to discuss with his or her physician

8. referrals to your professional network (if needed)

9. proposed appointment scheduling including:

frequency (when)

what you will discuss at each appointment

which assessments you will perform and when

10. a plan of action if you observe a plateau

11. and a plan of action if your client changes his or her goals. (Include the hypothetical goal change along with your plan of action.)

Trainer Tip: Get in the right mind-set with this case study. Look at your case study as an opportunity to develop a real-life plan and to have that plan critiqued by leaders in the field. Imagine that this sample client is paying you to get results. Be as detailed as you would need to be when relaying the plan to the client. Also, be sure to tell us why you are making the decisions you are making.

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