Help with sentence freagments

timer Asked: Feb 14th, 2016

Question Description

Each word group in the following paragraph is numbered.  In the space provided, write C if a word group is a complete sentence; write F if it is a fragment.  You will find eight fragments in the paragraph.

1I’m starting to think that there is no safe place left.  2To ride a bicycle.  3When I try to ride on the highway, to go to school.  4I feel like a rabbit being pursued by predators.  5Drivers whip past me at high speeds.  6And try to see how close they can get to my bike without actually killing me.  7When they pull onto the shoulder of the road or make a right turn.  8Driver completely ignore my vehicle.  9On city streets, I feel more like a cockroach than a rabbit.  10Drivers in the city despise bicycles.  11Regardless of an approaching bike rider.  12Street-side car doors will unexpectedly open.  13Frustrated drivers who are stuck in traffic will make nasty comments.  14Or shout out obscene propositions.  15Even pedestrians in the city show their disregard for me.  16While jaywalking across the street.  17The pedestrian will treat me, a law abiding bicyclist, to a withering look of disdain.  18Pedestrians may even cross my path deliberately.  19As if to prove their higher position in the pecking order of the city streets.  20Today, bicycling can be hazardous to the rider’s health.

  1. ____f_

  2. _____

  3. _____

  4. _____

  5. _____

  6. _____

  7. _____

  8. _____

  9. _____

  10. _____

  11. _____

  12. _____

  13. _____

  14. _____

  15. _____

  16. _____

  17. _____

  18. _____

  19. _____

  20. _____ 

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