I need help with a reading assignment!

YnSnhaqn Whyvhf
timer Asked: Feb 16th, 2016

Question Description

Read the selections. Then choose the best answer to each question.

Full Day

By Naomi Shihab Nye

The pilot on the plane says:

in one minute and fifty seconds

we're going as far

as the covered wagon went

5       in a full day

We look down

on clouds,

mountains of froth and foam.

We eat a neat

10    and subdivided lunch.

How was it for the people in

the covered wagon?

They bumped and jostled.

Their wheels broke.

15   Their biscuits were tough.

They got hot and cold and old.

Their shirts tore on the branches

they passed.

But they saw the pebbles

20   and the long grass 

and the sweet shine of evening

settling on the feilds.

They knew the ruts and the rocks.

They threw their furniture out

25   to make wagons lighter.

They carried their treasures 

in a crooked box.


1.    Which line from the poem suggests that people in covered wagons experienced the conditions of the land?

A. we're going as far

B. mountains of froth and foam.

C. Their biscuits were tough.

D. They knew the ruts and the rocks

2. The poet organizes the poem as she does in order to  -

A. explain why people travel in planes

B. detail the changes in travel throughout history

3.  Why does the poet include stanzas 3 and 4?

A. to suggest that travel by wagon had both advantages and disadvantages 

B. to explain why pioneers wanted to cross the prairie by wagon

C. to describe what a covered wagon could carry

D. To prove that traveling by wagon was more fun than air travel

4. The poet suggests that pioneers had too-

a. rely on strangers for help

b. carry only a few necessities

c. grow their own food

d. travel mostly at night 

5.The poet includes the pilot's statement in stanza 1 in order to-

a. tell the passengers where they are going

b. describe how pioneers traveled 

c. explain the disadvantages of covered wagons

d. give passengers an idea of how fast modern air travel is

Also need the figurative language in the poem! :)

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