Sociology journal

timer Asked: Feb 22nd, 2016

Question Description

Read or listen to the “The Way We Weren’t: The Myth and Reality of the ‘Traditional Family’” audio from the preeminent family historian and scholar Stephanie Coontz in your Module 3 folder in MySocLab.

For this journal entry, you may choose to discuss your own experiences or those of a close friend or family member. If you do choose to interview someone for your Milestone 1 journal entry, you will have to interview them for Milestone 2 and 3 as well.

Below is the outline that you will use to write your journal entry. I pulled it from your Milestone 1 rubric located in your Assignment Guidelines and Rubric folder. Read through this outline and use it as a guide as you write your journal entry. Your journal entry should be organized like the outline. You should have an introduction that covers all of the points in the outline, a few body paragraphs that cover points two and three (and all of the sub-points) in the outline, and a strong conclusion that brings all of your points together. Be sure to use examples to back-up each of your points.

1. Introduction

a. What is a social structure?

b. What is a family?

c. Explain why it is beneficial to reflect on family as a social structure.

2. Family

a. Describe your (or your chosen person’s) family of origin.

b. Whatrolesdid you and your family (or your chosen person and his or her family) members occupy?

c. What specificstatusdid you and your family (or your chosen person and his or her family) members occupy?

d. Applying your understanding ofreference groups, analyze your family of origin (or your chosen person’s family or origin).

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