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timer Asked: Feb 23rd, 2016

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Assignment 2 1. Among adults aged 65 and older, falls are a leading cause of injuries, hospitalization, and death. Twenty to thirty percent of older adults who fall suffer serious injuries including hip fractures or head trauma.1 Prevention strategies are critical to decreasing the prevalence of falls among the elderly. Describe one strategy for each level of prevention. a. Primary: b. Secondary: c. Tertiary: 2. In 2014, there were 2,205 cases of West Nile Virus (WNV) among people in the United States. Of those, 97 died.2 WNV is transmitted to humans from the bite of an infected mosquito and can cause fever, body aches, and vomiting. In some people it causes neurological disease and death. Currently there is no vaccine available to prevent WNV. Describe two strategies to prevent WNV infection and list which level of prevention is represented by each. Prevention Strategy Level of Prevention (primary, secondary, or tertiary) CDC, 2012. Falls among older adults: an overview. 1 2 CDC, 2015. West Nile Virus. 1
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