Unix concepts regarding semaphore

timer Asked: Mar 5th, 2016

Question Description

1) A description of how forking is used to implement three concurrent time-sliced processes and the parent-child relationship.

2) Why IPC is required to access shared memory by the Loader, ALU and Printer processes? Your explanation should include how & why the shared memory is mapped with two buffers (input and output) used by the pipeline stages,

3) How are IPC binary semaphores & blocking used to synchronization the Loader, ALU and Printer processes? Your explanation should include why there is a unique set of semaphores for each concurrent pipeline supported.

4) How the IPC binary semaphores & blocking are used to ensure mutual exclusion of buffer data? Your explanation should include why there is a separate set of buffers for each concurrent pipeline supported.

5) Using a ‘middle’ computation job (not the first or last) so you can reference the job before and after, describe the cadence of the job pipeline’s four stages. In other words, walk a job through the entire pipeline in terms of each stages semaphore being available or unavailable. Your explanation should include how that impacts which processes runs and when.

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